martes, 19 de mayo de 2009


At the beginig of this year, we where informed that we had to do Literacy. It consisted on teaching persons that didn´t finish the school or even didnt know how to write. I started doing it on my own, I couldn´t do it with my classmates for obvious reasons , so I started to do literacy with Campaña´s help. I found out that in Quito there are lot of illitirates, that need help. The program consists on four modules, each one are for the level of knowledge that the person has. The illitirates that don´t know how to write and how to read go to the module one, and the persons that have more knowledge go to the module number two etc. When it was my first class on module one as a teacher, I was a little bit nervous, I didnt know how it would be. I didn´t have the skills to teach persons at the first time that I gave a class, after having giving class for two weeks, I think I got the ability to teach better. You need lots of factors to be a good teacher or you will fail on your mission to teach. First you need to be very patient, because if one person doesn´t get you what you want to say, you have to give him the subject again, without being forious and being patient. Other things that are important for being a good teacher are to be constant with the persons you are teching, if you want them to learn, you have to be constant and if they dont learn you have to teach them until they can get you and understand your subject. In my opinion I think the module one is the hardest, you have to teach them how to read, and how to write and sometimes it is stressing.
Another module that I enjoyed a lot was the number four. There, the persons were funny and you could teach them without any pression. Also the students were not hostiles and they always were collaborators, they wanted to suceed, and they made it. You can see how important is the education in our lifes. Sometimes we don´t care about that, we don´t give it importance, because sometime it can be tedious but it´s the only way for us to be somoene important in this life. Literacy should be an obligatory task that students from high school have to do. It would help people and would help our country.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

I agree with you. This project should continue ´cause in this way many students could appreciate what they have. I am glad you liked it. Check this: "consist on or consist of?