martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

My favorite Place! yeah!

My favorite place

Every part of the world has their own magic; but some are prettiest than others. When I was a little kid I used to go to my grandparents house for a long time, in Baños. In that age I did not realize how amazing and incredible village was it. Now that I am sixteen, I can say that´s my favorite place. There you can do lots adventures and activities that the city offers you. You can go for a walk on the big mountains that surrond Baños or you can go for an exciting travel in boat. When I am in that cities I always eat delicious food because there are meny restaurants of all kind of flavors but I like specially one called ¨The Hood¨, the owner of that restaurant is American, he is a good person and he is accustomed to give me discount in the bill, it is because my grandparents have a good friendship with him. Also, there´s another restaurant that I like but not so much, It´s called ¨El Diablo¨the atmosphere is cozy and the specialty of this restaurant is the authenticate Argentinean barbecues, ho! that food is very delicious but the reason why I don´t like so much this restaurant is because you have to reserve and that´s kind of annoying.

The HooD!

Baños is a multicultural city, there you can find people from Asia, USA and Europe.
It´s a city where you can meet new people and make new friends. When I go there I never get bored, sometimes I have no time to do all the things that I want. When I walk in the mountains that sorround the city, it feeels like a dream, like those landscapes that are described in poems or in J.R.R. Tolkien novels. After having sweated and walked it´s great to have a shower in those thermal pools. Those pools are very calmed and very clean of course. The night life there in Baños is wonderful; there are many places where you can go like bars and restaurants with live music, in the nighty I like to ride one eccentric bus called ¨chiva¨That is very crazy! It´s a unique experience, there you can sing and do a lot of disturbance, no one prohibits you!. After have tripped all the city on the ¨Chiva¨ the owners of the bus invites you to a bonfire, and it is also an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. I think I have told why Baños is my favorite place. That city has everything, from calming walking until wild parties.
Oh yeah Baños is the place where I would like to life.

But my favorite place in my house? Ho!. good question, I think it´s my room: there I can do what I want and there I have my most valuable thing, my playstation, it is the new one. I love videogames, specially those games where you have to think a lot and solve huge problems, Ho it´s really exciting.
I don´t now why some people don´t like it, they say that it rots your mind but actually it´s confirmed from Scientifics that videogames hepls you to reason and rice our IQ.
Also in my room I have my guitar, it is my other passion, and I always want to know how to play in the guitar a new song, but some of them are very difficult to play and there´s when I feel very disappointed. But when I like the most this room is when my friends come. They are rally crazy! and they are very good freinds. We usually do championships with some videogames specially with one called Guitar Hero, that´s a really interesting game, but it can creat conflict between friends because some don´t want to lose.
My room is a kind of temple for me, I am very careful and I try to keep it clean! I don´t like the rooms thar are disorderly. What´s more I think our room shows our personality, peolpla who have it without care their room is how they worry about themselfs! tha´s my opinion.
I really like my room, and I wouldn´t change it for nothing.
Well, those are many favorites places.

29 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Dear José.
Congratulations! I really enjoyed reading your blog. You should feel proud of it. It is hard to choose a place, but I agree with you I don´t like messy places either. My favorite place is my house and I also like Baños. If you can, please post one your pictures in your profile so your friends and I can see it.
Keep up the good work!

Gaby dijo...

jozeee I liked your blog... it is cool and the pictures are amazing. One day I would like to go to that place!!!... I also love Baños... Well as Monica said congratulations!!! I desire you the best!!!

Att: Gaby Tinajero... your sister jaja... and don't forget.. I'm here for you everytime you need help or something...


^^ michu ^^ dijo...

hi josee!!
Your blog was very interesting.. jeje.. Baños is a really beautiful place, but I haven't hear about those restaurants you mentioned, maybe it is because we only go there "de pasadita" so we just it tuna's sandwich at the rear of the car... jajaja!!

see you soon!!

majo calero dijo...

Hi jose!!
your blog is ftastic, I like a lot the picture you have post at the beginning, it is really amazig..
I agree with you, when we are kids it's difficult for us to appreciate the beautiful places.
I have never visit Baños before, but reading all this good comments, I would like to do it one day..
take care..and don't forget I will be here for you every time you need it..
Majo C.

DaNy..!!! dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
DaNy..!!! dijo...

jozee I really miss you...I don´t have words to explain you how I miss you... but you are such important that you don´t have idea how the course is without you... I also want to congratulate you because of your job.. I liked your blog, specially your writing.. I also like baños and I like to ride motorbikes there... jeje..Your blog was really enjoyable.. So, I hope you are in the school as soon as you can and I know it will be some of these days. I love you too much.. Take care of your self..
Att: Dany Arteaga.. sayayina...

(= oOoT!J@M =) mY f@VoR!tE pL@CeS dijo...

Hi JöSë!!!!

Jose I like the places you chose!! BaÑoS It is also one of my favorite places!!! and your blog is very good I liked it a lot!!!

Att: (= OoOt!J@M =) käRdUmëN jaja
"Most people enter and leave your life, but only the best friends leave footprints in your heart"
Jose has taught me that life is always important Smile to be happy. Thank you for your friendship jose you know that in my mind and my heart I will always carry. =)
I hope to see you soon in the ScHoOl.... I lOvE YoU tOo mUcH!!!!

melipeli!!! dijo...

hi jozeeeee!!! how re u??? really really i mis you a lot!!!
Your blog was very intresting and I want to visit Baños again!!! jaja Im thinking and I want to visit Baños with all our friends!! thats an incredible idea...:)jaja take care Joze and I will wait your comment too... kcho!!!jaja

Att: Mely Estrella:)

verito dijo...

ok!!!...this is mi second you can see...i really miss you a lot...well i really like your have a lot of imagination and i like that about you..and i like your posts...i really like baños too...and that picture of that restaurant you have there seems really familiar for me...well i think i went thats not the point...i miss you ..and i also wanted to tell you..yo maintain that energy you have in are a big example for me and im sure your not a good example just for me!!!....for many others...just continue with that exitement and passion when doing something. Do you know what is the thing about you that we always remember???!!!! and many others always remember you in my 15th birthday party!!! you remember???!!! you remember that you were almost drunk and many things and everyones was bothering you because of that...every one keep telling me that you kissed my cousin!!! really like that image of you because i saw that you were enjoying that moment....i also remember when you used to bother me and mely wit "el medinita and lucho...oh!!...and also javi"...when you played soccer and all that special moments!!...jose ypou dont know how much we miss you..!!!...oh...and we also knew that you were teaching like 13 people there!!..thats awesome!!..keep up with that!!...hey mom is studing alternative medicine and she told me that she wanted to talk with you to give you some that you can get better faster and see you again!!!...well this comment pretty muc looks like a testament!! what lol...dont forget tat i love you and you are always in my care..and dont forget me!!! you....

david dijo...

e Jose how are you ..?.Your blog was very interesting Especially the part when you appreciate your country ...
I went to Baños the last weekend and I really enjoy there.
I think you forget to write in your blog about the pool of Baños its amazing jejej ... lol.
I hope you see in the college soon...
Take care (look after .. phrasel verb)
You need to be the best in this art of MANGA because you should make me one jejej
Please play the guitar how you played in 3 jej

Pancho dijo...

jose... xD... i'm so shocked about the tale.... it was amazing!...i believe that would be a total success if it's turned into a larger book... or may be a movie, but as i said... i lov u're tale.... mmmmm.... i also love baños.... xD i love the fact that is very very humid.... speaking of things... lol.... i miss u a lot... return to school....!!! i'm sure that things will be better.... got'a go.... have a nice afternoon....

La Maru dijo...

"apretado! microdancing!!"...o oo oo o oo oo o...haha....jozeeee....i think your blog Rocks! Honestly I want you to see mine!!! heh heh!! im laughing in English! Nice pictures! hehe...sorry I like to laugh when Im writing...well what can I say???? i MISS yOu SoOoO muCh!!! aCtuAlLy aLl thE "CARDUMEN SOCIALISTA" dOeS!!....mmm ...they are just too much things ..but you know I’ll be here for everything!....I love the fact you appreciate our own country! ..Well let’s see…I think Baños is an amazing place too!!! …cause there you can find people from every place of the whole world! the villages, pools, everything ..hehe …mmm how coming you haven’t invited me to play guitar hero????? Ummm…you know what?? Now I can make clothes not only draw them!! Hey…I really want to see your facial drawings…remember?? I did the body and you the face!! HaHA JoSe Do sAnTos!!!!...what else can I say…just keep going ..never fall down…cause here you have your friends! …always supporting you! ….I really admire you!! Heeey!! Wanna see you!! LoL!!! Ohh I already saw the video “pijamas” It rOcKs!! Jeje oops! Hehe
I really wanna see you soon!
At school!! (Like a rhyme)..
Hey you! Ill be waiting for your comment!!
Take care!
LoVe Ya!
“Hacienda lo que mas me gustaa…apretado microdancing!!! “
Baba sonicos!!
AtT: La Maru***

Montchi dijo...


Hey! nice blog, loved the pictures. By the way I like Baños too, eventhough I dont remember the name of my favorite restaurant there lol Last time I went was on vacations, with my uncle, we had a great time ;D

BTW we miss you! Hope to see you soon, you know we all support you and miss you a lot, so hope you come back to school really really soon! hehe take care!


Att: Montse ;D

GABBY dijo...

jose..!!!!!! hi how are you?
we love you so much and we miss you lots, I know that you are improving and I'm really happy for you, we want to see you in the school..!!!! I like you so much and you are a very good friend kisses I love you.. your blog is really cool I love it..!!
Gaby H.

Pao dijo...

hey Jose!!!... how are you?? I know that maybe you don´t remember me... But I remember you!!! Specially when you fell down from the chair hehehe... It was so funny...
Well let me tell you that I like a lot your blog it remember me some vacations in Baños...
But I also want to know if it is possible for you to add some pictures with you.. hehehe
I hope that you can return soon to the school because everybody miss you a lot there...
take care ok??? a big hug
Pao.. =o´

♪♦♦f3r◘◘•♪ dijo...

josee!!your blog is really hot... lol..I liked but I remenbered one person i am gonna tell you"Licen edmundo" did you?? ooohh...
I belive in angels the kind that heaven sends,I am surrounded by angels but call them friends thanx for be one of my angels..don't forget taht I'm here for you too..
I love you josee... ichiiii... jaja
xoxoxoxoxox..Att fer..

Pame dijo...

Jozeeeeeeee.......!!!! how are you..... I miss you so much.... I enjoy reading your blog that is so interesting I know a little of Baños is a really beautiful place because I visited when I was a child.

Jozecito I hope you will return quickly to the "cole", you know that I help you if you broke your harm again jeje or if you need something you remember in third course jeje....!!!!

Don't forget our idol sponge bob =) always smile and remember we lean you in everything...

I miss you and I love you too much jozeeeeee mi brother =)

Att: PaMe RoMeRoooooo =)

David dijo...

jose luis de las mercedes..........
your blog is very interesting and loking this I want to visit Baños................ I hope see you soon............

David dijo...

jose luis de las mercedes..........
your blog is very interesting and looking this I want to visit Baños................ I hope see you soon............ att: deivid annan clear

Anónimo dijo...

Kanaya Vikingaaa!!!!! jaja... Joze.... You have such an interesting blog.... you made me remember of Baños... I agree with you in Baños you can't get bored... I really like you blog...
Take care joze.... we are waiting for you here... jaja...

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Joczzze!!!!!!!!!!!.......... Cool blog!!!!...... I think Baños is an amazing place too.......And also really cool movie, I would like to see it........ jejeje...........
We all miss you, and we hope you are coming son!!!!!!!!

Bye for now...............


Andres Acosta dijo...

hello jose!!! how are you?.. your blog is amazing and your favourite places to... I have never visit Baños but the pictures that you have in the blog are beautiful... I am new for you but I want to meet you... many paople said me that you are an exelent person... jajaja... take care of your self!!!
Michu Cordero

Pame Castro S dijo...

jozeee!!! i liked your blog it is so interesting!!! and funny!! joze i love you, you are one of my best friends! hope you are in school soon!! and remember"no hagas locuras mundanas!! haha!!

andre dijo...

hi jozeeeee... how are you? your blog is interesting and most beautifull.... i want to visit baños..... ja ja ja.... you are a excelent friend..... tqm

Anónimo dijo...

Joche, your blog is amazing, you know I love those kind of places where nature is envolved, I remember when we were at third course and our language teacher(Lic. Edmundo) used to talk with you about the city and the beautifull places it has,(Baños pedacito de cielo) it was really funny, yeah I know messy room are not so pretty and your room is nice, hope you continue enjoying your play station and remember we have to play too, with care, me...

Juanfra dijo...

hey.. josesinho don´t do it..!!! I enjoy a lot readign your blog... i have never visited Baños... I hear that its incredible... if I have the chance I would let you know so as to give me some recommendations about that wild parties... ;) We expect see you soon...!!!
Your friend:

andrea reyes dijo...

hi jose.. your blog is so interresting.. I liked a lot..
I hope you will be prettuy soon with us.. take care about your self..
I love you.. and nice article, baños is such as a very beautiful place..:)

Javo! dijo...

hey naruto!!!!.......jeje...............pepe when i when for the competition we pass throught Baños and we eat in a restaurant that was near of a nice fall....i wanted to call you to ask where is your grandpa store but there wasnt signal!!!!

Javo! dijo...

as you said baños i remember all those times that the Language teacher told us about it and your grandparents and all that.. i remember you used to blush jeje
all those memories in third course- funny thought to remember all these!!
never forget i appreciatte you a lot, and i miss u!!
-i'm sofi!