miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

My movie! Douglas Doesn´t Want to Wake Up

My Movie
Douglas Doesn´t Want to Wake Up!

Douglas lay in his bed. The wind blows in through his open window but has nowhere else to go. Outside insects like crickets make music and whispering leaves add their harmony, and still he feels no peace. He closes his eyes, dreaming of sleep.
He jumps out of his window from the second floor and land on the wet grass. The air even feels humid and cold. He pulls air into his lungs and start running. Douglas races under the border of trees that block his house from the wild. There, the wind blows as it wishes, through the wheat field.
Douglas gain speed as he climb the hill and rush past the junkyard. A bird flies, a rabbit runs and the wheat brushes against his legs. He thinks they´re racing but he knows he´ll win. No one is as fast as I am on this night! He makes it to the edge of the woods, not slowing as he run into the darkness. The pince straw is greasy buy he has no fear of the risk of falling. With dirty legs and wet hands, he stands up to his full height in the night, breathing in the cold. How can anyone sleep on a night this? He´s alive in the world that gives his life! His legs starts to feel frozen and he slips a little, scraping his right arm and hand.
He climbs all the way to the top of a tree, feeling as light as th
e wind. This is the tallest tree, the strongest one in the forest. From the peak, he can see his house, his empty bed. Beside it Douglas can see the wheat field. The wind doesn´t push it around as strongly now. He hugs the tree, feeling bonded to it by pressing his against the bay.
The dried sheets are around his legs. It´s almost dawn; the starts are gone and the moon is barely there.
A bird has woken him up, singing insistently! The cool climate sharps into his nose. He turns his head to look at his clock, instead seeing his wheelchair!!! Doctors say that his legs might work one day. He exhales noisly, feeling incompletely unhappy.
There is dirt on his feet. He is confused and reaches out his hand to feel his legs. He notices a cut on his palm that runs down his arm. He raises his hand to brush face, and feel brushwood in his hair. Somewhere, the bird still sings, softer now, but strongly.

martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

My favorite Place! yeah!

My favorite place

Every part of the world has their own magic; but some are prettiest than others. When I was a little kid I used to go to my grandparents house for a long time, in Baños. In that age I did not realize how amazing and incredible village was it. Now that I am sixteen, I can say that´s my favorite place. There you can do lots adventures and activities that the city offers you. You can go for a walk on the big mountains that surrond Baños or you can go for an exciting travel in boat. When I am in that cities I always eat delicious food because there are meny restaurants of all kind of flavors but I like specially one called ¨The Hood¨, the owner of that restaurant is American, he is a good person and he is accustomed to give me discount in the bill, it is because my grandparents have a good friendship with him. Also, there´s another restaurant that I like but not so much, It´s called ¨El Diablo¨the atmosphere is cozy and the specialty of this restaurant is the authenticate Argentinean barbecues, ho! that food is very delicious but the reason why I don´t like so much this restaurant is because you have to reserve and that´s kind of annoying.

The HooD!

Baños is a multicultural city, there you can find people from Asia, USA and Europe.
It´s a city where you can meet new people and make new friends. When I go there I never get bored, sometimes I have no time to do all the things that I want. When I walk in the mountains that sorround the city, it feeels like a dream, like those landscapes that are described in poems or in J.R.R. Tolkien novels. After having sweated and walked it´s great to have a shower in those thermal pools. Those pools are very calmed and very clean of course. The night life there in Baños is wonderful; there are many places where you can go like bars and restaurants with live music, in the nighty I like to ride one eccentric bus called ¨chiva¨That is very crazy! It´s a unique experience, there you can sing and do a lot of disturbance, no one prohibits you!. After have tripped all the city on the ¨Chiva¨ the owners of the bus invites you to a bonfire, and it is also an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. I think I have told why Baños is my favorite place. That city has everything, from calming walking until wild parties.
Oh yeah Baños is the place where I would like to life.

But my favorite place in my house? Ho!. good question, I think it´s my room: there I can do what I want and there I have my most valuable thing, my playstation, it is the new one. I love videogames, specially those games where you have to think a lot and solve huge problems, Ho it´s really exciting.
I don´t now why some people don´t like it, they say that it rots your mind but actually it´s confirmed from Scientifics that videogames hepls you to reason and rice our IQ.
Also in my room I have my guitar, it is my other passion, and I always want to know how to play in the guitar a new song, but some of them are very difficult to play and there´s when I feel very disappointed. But when I like the most this room is when my friends come. They are rally crazy! and they are very good freinds. We usually do championships with some videogames specially with one called Guitar Hero, that´s a really interesting game, but it can creat conflict between friends because some don´t want to lose.
My room is a kind of temple for me, I am very careful and I try to keep it clean! I don´t like the rooms thar are disorderly. What´s more I think our room shows our personality, peolpla who have it without care their room is how they worry about themselfs! tha´s my opinion.
I really like my room, and I wouldn´t change it for nothing.
Well, those are many favorites places.